One of the largest popular science events in Poland and Europe, organized by universities from the Silesian province, is behind us. The seventh edition of the Silesian Science Festival was a record-breaker, and in every respect! For the first time in its history, the event lasted as long as three days. Two thousand scientists were involved in the organization of the festival. More than 250 thematic stands and several hundred activities were prepared. Festival participants took part in demonstrations, experiments, presentations and discussions. They could also listen to speeches by distinguished speakers and meet with scientists and students of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice. Importantly, the 7th SNF inaugurated the celebration of the European City of Science Katowice 2024.
- Without a doubt, this year's seventh edition of the Silesian Science Festival was exceptional, and for several reasons. First of all, the event was held on a grand scale. Once again, we proved that science is an integral part of the entire Silesian Voivodeship, says Prof. Dr. Katarzyna Mizia-Stec, Vice-Chancellor for Science and International Cooperation of SUM, Chairwoman of the Chapter of the Silesian Science Award, and adds: – Each of the universities forming the festival rose to the challenge. Many great educators and science enthusiasts joined the organization of the event, who not only have a great contact with the audience, but know very well how to convey their knowledge in an accessible and at the same time fascinating way.
Of particular note were the activities prepared by our University. An old age simulator, demonstrations of battlefield medicine exercises, phantoms, and even a bodypainting show - a completely different dimension of anatomy - are just some of the attractions prepared by SUM, which attracted great interest.
Also behind us was the opening weekend of the European City of Science Katowice 2024, including the phenomenally prepared scientific and musical spectacle KATOPOLIS.- Never before in the history of Katowice, Poland and even this part of Europe has such an event been organized.The unique combination of music, knowledge and art has opened the gates to the extraordinary year 2024 - a year in which each of the 50 weeks prepared by Silesian universities will be a separate celebration of science.We are in for a fascinating 2024, which, above all, will remain in our memories for a long time and of which I am convinced we will be proud," adds Prof. Katarzyna Mizia-Stec. The 7th edition of the Silesian Science Festival in Katowice was held at the International Congress Center in Katowice (December 9 - 11, 2023).For the first two days, the doors to the ICC were open mainly to residents of the Silesian region. However, many guests from Poland and abroad came to Katowice, who, as every year, were impressed by the excellent organization of the festival events. The last day of the Silesian Science Festival belonged to students and teachers. Children and young people participated in workshops, classes and experiments.
Some of the major events organized as part of this year's edition include:
- Opening of the celebration of the European Science City Katowice 2024;
- Katopolis spectacle;
- Gala presentation of the Silesian Science Prize - out of 37 nominees, the winner of the prize was Prof. Dr. habil. med. and n.o zdr. Katarzyna Beata Komosinska-Vassev of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Sosnowiec.In turn, Anna Brzęk, MD, Prof. SUM, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Katowice, received the Special Award of the President of the City of Katowice;
- Presentation of the 50 weeks of science that will define the activities related to the granting of the title of European City of Science to Katowice in 2024.Four of them will belong to students and employees of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice (Nutrition, Viruses, Cancer and Old Age Week).
A list of all the activities prepared by the Silesian Medical University in Katowice can be found below:
We also encourage you to see photos from this unique event and invite you to the next 8th edition of the Silesian Science Festival.