He sits on books and is very much read himself. Focused, serious. Above him, a lime tree is just blooming. Bebok of the Silesian Medical University has found a "location" in front of the SUM Main Library and Recruitment Department on Warszawska Street in Katowice. Today, on the occasion of its 75th birthday, we showed it to the world. Henceforth, our Bebok will greet both students and university applicants. They will decide what his name will be.
The Bebok Trail, is one of the showpieces of Katowice. It is designed by artist Grzegorz Chudy, but the idea itself is by his ... daughter, who once asked: - Daddy draw me a Bebok.
- The place and time of the unveiling of our figurine are not accidental. The summer exam session is just underway. For our students, preparation for it always involves a period of intensive study. As you can see our Bebok, as befits a diligent student, is not afraid of books . I am also convinced that our birthday surprise will not only please the SUM Academic Community and the residents of Katowice, but will also enrich the spirit of the region by promoting Silesian traditions. The role of the Beboks that appear in Katowice is also to draw attention to places that are important to residents. Without a doubt, the Silesian Medical University is one of them," said SUM rector Prof. Tomasz Szczepanski, who ceremonially unveiled the Bebok.
Deputy Mayor of Katowice Waldemar Bojarun attended the event: - This is the twenty-second statue that Grzegorz Chudy has prepared. Each one has a unique character like the one prepared for the Silesian Medical University. It will certainly bring good luck to all SUM recruiters. To visit our "bebok trail" you have to ride 69 kilometers on a bicycle," said Vice President Bojarun.
Grzegorz Chudy, very pleased with the work, wished all students a successful session. For now, the statue does not have its name. - We want it to be chosen by the students," explained Vice-Rector for Studies and Students Prof. Jerzy Stojko.
Vice President Bojarun made his suggestion. - How about naming it dochtór? - he asked.
Each participant of the event received a magnet with the likeness of catfish Bebok as a souvenir.
SUM has its Bebok. For its 75th birthday!
26 jun 2023
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